Thursday 24 May 2012

Jack: Day 34/365...You snooze, you lose!

This morning I came close to missing my run. I could try to blame it on the alarm function of my mobile phone or on the heat which kept me awake for most of the night but, at the end of the day, the only valid reason for my near miss was my own laziness.This morning was the first one of the challenge so far during which I have fallen into the trap found on most common alarm clocks which comes in the form of a small button innocently labelled 'snooze'. After a long month of waking early every morning and running 5k before heading off to work this function has been steadily growing in appeal. The idea of rolling back over to 'snooze' has, in recent days, been extremely appealing. This is how I found myself finally succumbing to the button which promises so much and yet delivers so little. After all having already been jolted awake by the screaming tones of my alarm, and scared half to death in the process, 5 extra minutes of sleep is hardly the bliss which it claims to be! Perhaps this is the reason that this morning, when attempting to hit 'snooze' my hand actually reached out and selected 'dismiss'. Even my hand knew that snoozing was not a viable option! It was with a great shock then when I awoke an hour later and wondered why it was so light at my window! Fortunately it was still only 6:45 and the panic which hit me ensured that I managed to race out of bed, around the park and back into my shower without even pausing to consider an alternative. Looking back I could probably have given the 'pre-work run' a miss and simply gone after work however at 7:00 in the morning this didn't cross my mind. Another beautifully sunny morning met me as I hovered in the car park outside my flat while my Garmin took forever to locate the satellite signal and after a few minutes of standing around awkwardly I was able to commence the run. Due to returning to the slightly later hour today I bumped into a couple of familiar faces in the park (which was still overflowing with rubbish!) and I enjoyed the route. A good evening at CrossFit tonight working on ring-dips, kb swings and goblet squats promise aching quads tomorrow morning! Hopefully a good deal of stretching them tonight will assist recovery. I am off to bed now and I will be double checking my alarm before I go to sleep! From now on 'snoozing' is not an option...

Run 34/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details

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