Sunday 13 May 2012

Jack: Day 23/ shoes!

This morning I had the pleasure of stepping out of my front door in my shiny new trainers for the first time! A lovely pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12's they are essentially the newer model of the same trainers I have been wearing for the last 7 or 8 years. For the past 3 or 4 shoe 'upgrades' I had simply ordered the latest model of the Adrenalines based on the knowledge that my only ever proper fitting suggested that they were the best shoe for me. Eight years down the line however I felt it was probably best to go for another analysis and make sure that they were still suitable for my running style. After a few in-store test strides on the treadmill and a bit of video analysis it was clear that these were still the shoes which were most beneficial to me and so I left the shop with a bit of a dent in my pocket but definitely a spring in my stride! I suppose if I am going to spend almost a hundred pounds on anything it is best spent on something which I will be using every day! And so I found myself leaving the flat this morning with the strange sensation of a brand new, perfectly white pair of trainers strapped to my feet. The weather itself was miserable and the wind and rain were an unfortunate change from the bright sunshine of yesterdays run! I don't know whether it was through a desire for a new route  or simply a subconscious attempt to avoid the potentially muddy paths of the park (which would ruin my lovely clean trainers!) but I ended up turning left off Argyle street and running towards the Clyde. A couple of kilometres down the river and I crossed the bridge which would usually take me to CrossFit and ran back on the other side of the river. At the squinty bridge I swapped back over to my side of the river and headed for home. It was a short, straightforward five kilometres which was completely on the pavement, however it made for a nice change from the usual route and was a nice steady pace. I will use this route again in the mornings as it will break the potential monotony of running my Kelvingrove Park loop every school day. The knee wasn't too bad after the slightly longer effort of yesterday and seems to be getting slightly better each day. I am contemplating having a go at a race in early June but I will see how the knee holds up before making a final decision. It would be nice to get a few races under my belt this year as it has been a while since I have entered any and it might make for an interesting read to have records of them in the blog! I am looking forward to getting back out again tomorrow although the wind is currently rattling my living room windows and it would be quite nice if things cleared up again! Then again I suppose living in Scotland I can't expect too much from the weather and I am sure that there will be times this winter when I will feel much less inclined to head out for a run!

Run 23/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details

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