Saturday 12 May 2012

Benjours 119 - 123 California dreaming and what to do?

Just got home from an incredibly busy week in the US. At a conference in Palm Springs on managing R&D innovation and means by which one can develop innovation in emerging markets and then bring it home - so called "reverse innovation"... stimulating heady stuff and already gave some leads for some things Marg and I are working on. Really enjoyable and great to talk with industry leaders from across the industries. For the first time my MBA education really paid dividends in giving me the language skills and knoweldge to understand what these folks are on about!
Great to recharge the bones a bit too and get some sun on the skin - even if there was one too many gofl courses for my palette!

Have a look on satellite view to get a sense of the great scenery in the environs (and also all the golf courses!)

Was thankful I got up early to go for a run on Thursday - it was manic - Indian Wells for some last lectures, to Palm Springs, to Denver to Indianapolis - by the time I'd grabbed a quick bite to eat and got to my room it was 1am.. I was so tired when I got to Indy I parked my car in the wrong hotel which took some sorting out! - Up early, body clock completely screwed - thinking it was 3:30am when I managed to drag myself out of bed. I REALLY struggle with jetlag particularly flying East and today was no different fighting down the nausea and disorientation - even only the three hours diff between PST and EST really threw me. An age in the shower struggling to wake up and then into the office in Indy for a fast few hours seeing colleagues again before catching a flight to New York and then home over night... the bad news is that yesterday (Friday) I quite literally did not have any time to physically run so I don't really know what to do about it?

Ben Day 119
Ben Day 120
Ben Day 121
Ben Day 122
Ben Day 123


  1. Double run today should do it. Or you could always start again.....!!!
    I am disappointed that you did not run up and down the corridor on the plane....can't see that being a problem!!

  2. I'm with Marg on this one. A double run today because the reason you missed a run was out with your control.

  3. Can you imagine how freaked out people would have been on the plane? "Daddy, why is that man running back and forth to the cockpit?" At 38,000ft, 1500 miles from land?? :-)Cheers guys. Dble run today it will be.

