Sunday, 26 February 2012

Nicky: Day 123 Babcary 7m

Totally stunning day for a run. Met Zoe Sharpe (mutual friend of mine & Bens) at the start & said our good byes til the end! Zoe is after all 16 yrs my junior & a pretty hand runner! We agreed to, after the race, redo the course at a nice slow pace to make todays efforts up to 15 miles.
Race starts on a bit of a hill. My knees are both a little creaky and sciatic pain not good so took some Iboprofen pre-start!!
Off we went, I really enjoyed it & was totally amazed that I did not do a single mile slower than 9 min/miles - chuffed to bits with this as I think it is probably the fastest my little legs have done over 6 miles. Happy Nicky
Choccie biscuits after the race, 30 min or so break & we set off to do the course in reverse at a much more sensible pace.
Fab fab day out. Makes you feel great to be healthy & fit & able to do challenges like this.

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