Monday, 20 February 2012

Benjour 44 - tres busy

manic day in the office today, Anusha off today after weekend bender on-call (not on beers!) but has elected to go in and do a transplant this evening because she either a) likes getting away from us, or b) loves her job - not decided which yet. All of which meant I got home late, dumped bags, and straight out for a run, dinner in the oven, before teeth and stories at bedtime and Anusha dashing off again. And she's on-call again tomorrow.. wonder if she's trying to tell me something..

Run went well, sinus' finally stopped buzzing, and feel like I'm getting my breath back a bit more.
Ben Day 44 - Garmin
Lots of cyclists out this evening, commuting back home from work - great to see folks using the cycle path, validating the investment made etc.. again, run this evening was a nice opportunity to switch off and let the mind just wonder and create linkages between disparate pots of "ideas" as to how to progress some work projects I'm thinking about...a good day. Missed the kids a lot today, even if they are monkeys sometimes!

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