Saturday, 18 February 2012

Benjour 42 - see what I did there?

Wife's on-call playing havoc with the best laid plans of mice and men - just been able to get out once, when Anusha came home for a spell late this afternoon. I managed about 50 mins therefore. Sorry to let you down, but I was with you in spirit Marg I promise!!
Ben Day 42 - Garmin
Cycle path (again again again), but there was clear skies on the horizon this evening, under a dark grey cloud overhead. Sunlight peering through on the horizon made for a beautiful late afternoon/evenings run. Cold now sat in my sinus making my skull resonate and buzz everytime I talk - I've been quite quiet therefore today!. It's resolving. Healthy dose of cold given to wife, who is less than impressed trying to operate with streaming eyes and a running nose and get out of bed in the middle of the night to sort patients! hey ho!

1 comment:

  1. Get better soon Ben. I feel really sorry for you and Anusha now by the sound of it!!
