Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Day 116/365 - First time using the footpod for the Garmin! Not happy chappy!!

So I have got the footpod for the Garmin watch and it is sees me running the first ever run inside on a treadmill during this challenge.
as charles said..... BORING!
I suppose I am so used to the outdoor running that being indoors is just tedious and very very sweaty. Actually think I run faster outside too!
Wasn't to impressed with the calibration aswel. What was recorded on the watch as 5km was more like 8km on the treadmill!
Not impressed at all. Glad I have the option now to run indoors but do not think I will be doing it all that often!!
Day 116/365 - First run indoors using Garmin footpod. Calibration issues!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 116/365 - Second run with garmin footpod - Calibration sorted? by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details

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