Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Charles: Day 115/365 - Not feeling great

I went for what I reckon is an easy run tonight and was feeling tired but okay when I started out but 2km into it I got all light headed, felt sick and became really tired. I'm not sure if its after my treatment at the physio today or a stomach bug that I've picked up from the wife.

The physio reckons that my hip problem is done to a tear in the muscle where the glutes (spelling?) joins to the ITB near the hip bone. The only way to help the problem is to continue with cold compresses after my runs, do some light stretches and massages that she's given me and also ultra sound treatment in the damaged area. I've also to keep taking the pain killers and ibuprofen. She also knew the exact spot to press on my hip to make me scream like a big girl :)

The details of my run can be found at Day 115/365 challenge

1 comment:

  1. must be a small comfort to know the physio had a good idea as to what had happened and how to "treat" it whilst be able to continue running... my dad calls them physioterrorists for the same reason!
