Saturday, 26 November 2011

Ben Day26/365

Anusha on call this weekend, so just enough time to get out along the cycle path again on the proviso I took my cellphone with me in case Anusha got called into the hospital. Nothng exciting to report, just nice, quiet, pitch black pierced by some serious Hope headtorch wear!

Ben Day26/365 Garmin

watched some interesting video last night from Newton Running all about forefoot and midfoot running. Shorten the gait, up the cadence and lean forward slightly... forgotten what the benefits are, but I immediately felt it in the calves when I tried it consciously this evening... will have to watch it again tonight over a glass of wine!!


  1. The benefits of fore/mid foot running are in making your running more efficient. Heel strike running means that everytime your heel hits the ground you are essentially breaking due to the first law of thermodynamics. you know the one - Energy is never created or destroyed - always transferred. By moving the impact point from the heel to the mid foot you are transferring less force into the ground as you 'roll' off the strike - this does have a nasty by-product if you have never used it before as your calves are constantly active during the foot strike in absorption of the landing and take off. It takes a bit of getting used to and to be honest I even can't run forefoot for more than 80% of a 10km. It does however make you much faster as the energy you do not lose can go towards your legs and lungs turning faster for the run. ****You must build yourself up to run forefoot/midfoot as this will incurr injury!!*****

  2. useful - will keep an eye on not overcooking it then. BB
