Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Nicky Day 32/365 Run with Club

worked in Cornwall today & the 6 hours behind the wheel killed my ? trapped nerves. Actually had to get out on the way home & walk around for 10mins to ease the toothache in my glutes & down back of legs! Saw my sports therapist & he reckons that the nerve that runs between 2 muscles (cant remember their names) is being squashed due to tightness! He reckons due to too many hours driving & also not stretching pre or post runs (how true!!). He gave them a good going over - ouch! & advised taking it easy!
Took it easy by running with the club. Did just over 5m but I walked up the hills. It seems to be the hills that hurt more. I did however stretch. Actually I feel a little less in pain.
We will see how my drive down to Southampton goes tomorrow.


  1. I had the same problem a couple of years ago. I wondered if it might be the same when you mentioned it but I thought a 4000 mile diagnosis might not be appropriate. The stretches for this problem I found to work very well.

  2. Thanks Marg. Really painful but am going to work at stretching more as this is something I never really do, although know I should.
    Bye Nicky
