Sunday, 24 June 2012

Tony Days 243-244/365 - 30min 5kms??? slow down - you are going too fast!

I hope the rain stays off this weekend for the WHW. Sorry that I keep going on about it but it seriously is a big deal for me - actually a life goal that I have had for many years. My run today was my usual stuff around Pollok - I have attached some pics of the stunning scenery.

Day 243/365 - Nice easy jog around my local haunt of Pollok Park by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Due to the long awaited WHW race tonight - fellow runner Stephen and I ventured out at 6am this morning for a little jog. Raining - knew this would happen. Lets hope that the rain stops before tonight!

Day 244/365 - Early morning run with Stephen tennent ahead of WHW tonight! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details

1 comment:

  1. You tease you! - give us the gory hell that was WHW!!!
    can't believe you went for your daily run on the day of the race! (though now I think about it, I guess I can see the logic of your early morning run - your WHW race didn't start until 1:30 am the next day - click...)
