Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Jack: Day 45-47/365

The last few days I have been a bit lazy with the blog and have not been keeping it up to date! I have been doing the running however they have been very straightforward and uneventful. Two of my three runs of the week so far have simply involved running to and from CrossFit. Each of these has totalled just over the minimum 5k. The other run was simply a 5k which saw me jog to Festival Park and back. The park itself was completely empty when I reached it and I managed to complete some pull-ups in the play area! I spent this run listening to an old Plan B album. It is the album which I listened to when training for my boxing match a couple of years ago and I find it really good to run to. I think as I progress through this year I will need to invest in some new music to listen to on my runs. I will strive to shake things up a bit for the remainder of the weeks runs in order to keep things interesting! This week I have begun to make preparations for my holiday to South Africa in a couple of weeks. I am counting down the days till I will be running my 5k's around Cape Town! Exciting times!

Run 45/365 (part 1) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 45/365 (part 2) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 46/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 47/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details

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