Friday, 1 June 2012

Jack: Day 41/365

This evening I decided to do my 5k run directly before CrossFit. Essentially this was because I had a lecture with the University in the morning and, by incorporating my run into my evening training, I would be able to have an extra hour in bed before class! I suppose I am making the most of my time as a student! After class Vicki and I decided to go for a trip to the supermarket which turned into a full day of wandering around Braehead looking at things which I can't currently afford! One perk however was the trip round Ikea when I was able to get a hot dog for 60p! Bargain! After a full day of wandering around the shops for hours the evenings run was fairly tricky and CrossFit was an additional challenge. The route I took was essentially my usual river run but I added in a few crossings of the bridges in order to make up 5 kilometres before I reached the box. Today's WOD involved a combination of wall-ball shots, box jumps and double unders. This was a tough one but again it played to my strengths so I was quite happy. After the workout I took my run home fairly slowly and made up an additional couple of kilometres.

Run 41/365 (part 1) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 41/365 (part 2) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details

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