Friday, 1 June 2012

Jack: Day 42/365

This morning I had another early lecture and so saved the run for later on in the day. After my class I spent a few hours in Dram with my mates before popping home to see Vicki who had been busy job hunting. I decided  to follow the same routine as last night and complete 5k before CrossFit, using the 2.5k jog home as a warm-down. It was a nice evening with the sun shining and so my jog along the river was really nice. CrossFit today was a combination of Deadlifts and Burpees...this was not ideal! Deadlift is possibly the lift which I find hardest and so tonight was a slow and painful one! I got through it though and it will have done me good to work on my  areas of weakness. The jog home was very slow however as I was aching after the WOD. Once again I had an amazing dinner waiting for me when I got home courtesy of Vicki! Great way to end the evening!

Run 42/365 (part 1) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 42/365 (part 2) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details

1 comment:

  1. ahh.. that old classic the way to a mans heart is through his stomach... 'tis true indeed... I get reminded of this every night! (every night that the wife cooks that is - she doesn't feel the same about my cooking though!)
