Sunday 1 April 2012

Charles: Day 148/365 - Kilomathon Scotland

Kilomathon today (26.2km) which turned out to be a half kilomathon (13.1km) because the route was changed from last year. The route wasn't too exciting because it was along cycle paths from Ocean Terminal in Leith, Edinburgh to the home of the Scottish rugby team at Murrayfield Stadium. The route was fairly tough going because it felt like we never stopped climbing hills from just after the start to just before the finish.

I did the race today with my sister-in-law, Tracy, and we helped to keep each other going through the really tough bits. We started together and finished together in an official time of 72 minutes and 52 seconds so we were both really pleased with that. It would've been quicker but I had to walk for about 2 minutes when I got to the 10.5k mark and again at the 12k mark because I ran out of mental and physical energy after losing motivation on the uninspiring route. I'm doing the next Kilomathon Scotland at the end of September so I'll hopefully get a bit more motivation for that one.

More pics to follow when I get them sorted out

The details of my run can be found at Day 148/365 challenge

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