Tuesday 24 April 2012

Books we're all currently reading?

Jack's post about the book he finished made me wonder what we were all reading currently (if anything? - no shame in that!)
just wondering if there is a theme that crazies like us follow... here's mine to kick us off:

Quiet - Susan Cain
Element - Sir Ken Robinson


  1. Sad I know but I need to look at my nutrition because I'm too heavy for this running malarky so the books I'm currently reading are:

    Performance Nutrition for Runners - Matt Fitzgerald
    Racing Weight: 5 Step Plan for Endurance Athletes - Matt Fitzgerald

  2. I am reading the Game of Thrones books at the moment. Just started the fourth one.
    Next on the list is 'Bounce' by Matthew Syed - which my brother recommended and is about the 'myth' of talent. I also spotted a Usain Bolt biography in the library the other day (Yes I was in the library!) which looked interesting. I am definitely going to look up that Sir Ken Robinson book though. I have seen a few videos of his talks online and think the man is brilliant. Is the book worth a read?

  3. Jack - it certainly is - you get the main gist from his TED vids, but the book is a real treat too... makes me think a whole lot differently about how I'm raising my own kids!

    Next book winging its way from Amazon is Poor Economics... getting rave reviews

  4. Charles - Paleo diet for Atheletes might be worth a perusal too... some method in the science I think..

  5. I have read Matt Fitzgerald's book 'Racing Weight' which I thought was good.

    Currently reading 'I am here to Win' by Chris McCormack. Really enjoying that. I am a very slow reader, so my next book update may be in a few years time ;-)
