Friday 27 April 2012

Benjour - Day 110 - Mountain Marathons and Belmont hill woods

last nights run felt great - up through Belmont hill woods again - Police horse taking a stroll through the woods too (there was a policewoman with the horse - he wasn't by himself!).. don't know what's going on with Garmin watch - elevation gain tonight was circa 400 ft cf a few nights back it was circa 2,500ft! I think the elevation gain from last night is more accurate. 2,500ft is more akin to a mountain marathon type stuff!
Foot niggling again today... not sure what to make of it.. wonder if it's gait related or something, but I'm loathe to get it "corrected" since last time I tried that I was out of running for 3 years!
Ben Day 110 - Garmin

In other news I'm hoping I've sorted a place in the Saunders Lakeland marathon for July - I couldn't find another person to run with so with the other stuff I've done I was able to pursuade them to let me in on a a solo entry (Klets/Elite class - eek!) will have to get some serious hills in between now and then..

Have also made an application for the OMM in October, but will find out if we've been successful only in August - it sounds like it's done by lottery, particluarly for newcomers but we'll see - have gone for the long score event (I don't like the linear races as much where you have lines of folks just following one another!)


So that's four of my five MM's now entered/applied for. Mourne Mountain Marathon entry opens next week and so I'm really looking forward to the latter half of the year starting with the LAMM in June with Tony .. great to have something to aim for and I'm really up for it ... MM's are a great leveller (like the MdS!) - it's not all about fitness... thankfully what I lack in fitness I can pick up in terms of being reasonably handy with a map, compass and route strategies!

Mourne MM


  1. I did the KIMM (now OMM) when it was in the Brecons a few years ago. Luckily my mate could map read. I hated the whole thing - non stop horizontal rain, mud & bloody freezing, didnt see any of the views!!

  2. Always fancied a MM but not a fan of the camping thing when really wet etc.
