Sunday 22 April 2012

Charles: Day 169/365 - Some Country Paths for a Change

I thought that I would don the trainers and go for a run today. My only plan was to meet the wife at Tesco's but I had no plans for any particular route. I thought I would blag it and get there when I get there.

After I started out I decided to go off road and explore some of the country lanes around Dalkeith (there a loads of them). It felt great to get off road and get covered in mud. My only regret was that I didn't have my trusty trail shoes on and I was sliding about everywhere in the mud struggling to get grip and almost falling a few times. I also think the garmin lost the gps signal a few times because when you map the route using gmaps pedometer it works out about 1km longer than the garmin shows but who cares I loved it!!!

The details of my run can be found at Day 169/365 challenge


  1. I did a run once where I just decided to follow a road I didnt know and ended up getting lost, soaked and covered in mud. bad experience!

  2. One of the runs I did last week my Garmin was a bit over enthusiastic and clock a full km within the first minute of running. I thought: I'll take that, the amount of time I loose distance when coming through the tunnel on the Water of Leith Path ;-)
