Monday 30 April 2012

Jack: Day 10/365...Double figures!

Well I have made it to 10 runs! A minor achievement in the grand scheme of things but I think if I view this challenge as lots of smaller targets it seems more manageable! This was also the first morning that I have woken up to miserable weather! The past week has been filled with nice jogs round the park whilst basking in the sunshine and listening to some chilled out music and so heading out the front door has not been too much of an effort! This morning wasn't awful by any stretch of the imagination but the sky was grey and the rain was the annoying type that hangs in the air like a mist and can't really make it's mind up whether to come or go. So I plodded around the decidedly emptier park with my waterproof jacket tucked up under my chin and my head down. The run itself was fine and I felt strong whilst completing the usual morning 5k route. I suppose it was only a matter of time before I had a wet run but the dry stretch was nice while it lasted! Hopefully summer will hurry up and arrive before too long...although part of me is scared that I may have already missed it!

Run 10/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details


  1. Well done Jack! Welcome to the Double figures club!
    Can I just say that Ben and Yourself certainly bring some fantastic English to this Blog!!!
    Just reading your comments makes me want to
    Oh, and after you started the blog feed about books that we are reading I have picked up - touching the void.
    Not a big reader so have been motivated by you to get a grip and get back in the books!

  2. Touching the Void is an awesome book!
    I assure you Jack, it wont take long to get to the triple numbers club - life whizzes by far to quickly. Nx

  3. Haha cheers! It must be the English teacher in me! I have never read touching the void so let me know if it is any good!

  4. I think it's now on the curriculum - Joe still has to defend his mate Simon re cutting ropes etc... check his twitter feed and questions from high school students. it's a belter of a book - would love to meet him - as gnarly as hell!
