Wednesday 22 May 2013

Goodbye everybody

I have decided to quit the challenge and after 138 days it was a difficult decision for me. This is the first goal that I have given up on in a very long time - but the "have to" part of this is killing the love for running - I had stopped looking forward to my runs. In addition to that they needed to be so short so that I could recover for the next day - enjoy going 3-5 miles in a single run and I was averaging 10 miles a week on the challenge - more was too much for my legs without rest. So I actually will be running more now that I have dropped this. Also, I have but one time a day that I can exercise and I used to cross train with weights and riding a bicycle - I haven't been able to do the lifting and biking - I look forward to that.

I wish all of you the best of luck and I hope that you stay free from injury.

138 by Vardoggs at Garmin Connect - Details


  1. Sorry to hear your leaving the challenge but understand your reasons for doing so

  2. Well done for making it so far! I guess that the challenge will teach all of us to appreciate the opportunity to do other types of training and maintain a varied lifestyle!

  3. Sorry to see you go but like BF understand your reasons, having run 138 days is no mean feat and proud you should be, good luck .

  4. Well done for getting so far!!! This is a tough challenge! Good luck with other things. Nicky
