Wednesday 22 May 2013

142/365 GWR summer 9, no 10, no 10.5 mile route. by Big Kev

142/365 GWR summer 9, no 10, no 10.5 mile route. by Big Kev

What great night for a run, not too hot or windy and with the choice of routes at our disposal we knew it was going to be a good one. As an alternative to our normal 10 mile route we though we would plump for the 9 mile route incorporating the towpath from Cumberland basin to the far end of Leigh woods. Once we had navigated Durdham Downs and Bridge Valley road we could spy the towpath, now there had already been murmurs that someone wanted a blast along the towpath (no names mentioned, Paul) and knowing that another in the group is still super keen to continue with his improving PB record (no names, Marcus). It was with great delight and a little rye smile that I watched them disappear into the distance and note that the level of conversation was dropping dramatically as the speed increased, a sure sign they were working hard. Now, I myself could be accused of entering into more than my fair share of competitive bravado, however knowing that we are only 3 miles in and after the sprint along the towpath we would only be half way, I thought better of it. This was further brought home to the 2 runners (no names , Paul and Marcus) as after all that effort had been expelled, they seemed to have forgotten that at the end of the towpath the only way to get back to the club is to run uphill! To add to their peril it was then further agreed (by them I might add) that we would take the Garlic valley route back adding another mile or so to the route, ah the benefit of hindsight and the 365 challenge!

Both of the runners in question are running particularly well and it would be unfair of me to mock them out of hand, especially as they are both more than capable of showing me a clean pair of heels. The challenge though has taught me that its not just about the sprint or even the marathon, its about all of it. The time spent outside with friends , the time on my own finding new trails, the rain, the sun and even the snow. I have been fortunate to get this far pretty much unscathed which is why I can let the runners with no name have their fun as its all part of the adventure and I am reminded that I still have 223 day of enjoyment to go.

Big Kev

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