Monday 20 May 2013

140/365 Another day in and another year older! by Big Kev

140/365 Another day in and another year older! by Big Kev

As someone far wiser than me has said, "Statistics have proven that those who have the most birthdays live the longest". So chalk another birthday up for Kev!

Thank you to all my friends and family for the kind wishes and as a reminder, yes I will be running on my birthday and yours! Funnily enough, as I am running everyday for a whole year that will include your birthday as well. Oh how quickly people forget a whole year means a whole year, all 365 days of it (clues in the title of the challenge)!

Now before you all rush out to by me that belated birthday card or even an expensive birthday present (there is always hoping). Could I ask that rather than doing that, you consider donating to Macmillan on my behalf. The sponsorship page which is always at the bottom of every blog entry, had slowed up a little in April and has ground to a halt in May. Therefore if you could either check out the link directly or even consider text donating it would be very much appreciated. Its surprising how quickly the pounds start to add up again if we all start having a go.

To text donate, text BKEV99  and the amount (e.g. £1.00 or even £10.00) to 70070 and that way it will bolster the total immediately. If you have already been kind enough to dig deep and a lot of you have, could you try something different and share my link or even ask your friends and family to follow my blog, or facebook profile. I can then keep them amused on this journey and they might even consider sponsoring me as well.

Big Kev

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