Saturday 7 January 2012

Charles: Day 63/365 - BUPA Great Winter 5k Run

The BUPA runs are always spot on when it comes to organisation and today didn't disappoint. The 5k run over Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh's Holyrood Park was fantastic. Bright and sunny but very cold and a tad windy but the views from 450ft (approx) across the Edinburgh landscape was fantastic although I was in a run and didn't have time to take it all in.

The impressive thing about todays run is how much strength and running I have in my legs and I powered up the hill for 3k before the descent to the finish line. The annoying thing was that people would start of too quick and then stop suddenly right in front of you and start walking which means you have to dart to the side to avoid colliding with them. The other one is the slower runners seem to run in a horizontal row and were oblivious to the fact that people were needing to get past. A bit of barging and bumping soon ensued when I got fed up with people blocking my path and I couldn't get through without leaving the tarmac and running through the puddles and mud at the side of the road. Sorry rant over :)

The details of my run can be found at Day 63/365 challenge