Friday, 13 January 2012

Ben Day7/365 - Priors wood

Ben Day7 - Garmin
what a cracking way to start the day... cold, just above freezing, gentle breeze, sun low on the horizon.. drop the beasts at school/nursery and off into the wooded slopes of Priors Wood... nothing stirring, just me and the squirrels.

Lets see of the rest of my day can match this great start to Friday 13th! - really looking forward to this weekend.. Nodles 4th birthday on Sunday, she starts swimming lessons (proper ones, not the dunkings we give her) tomorrow morning which shes really looking forward to - feels like a really big girl now if shes having her own swiming lessons! - Ollie's swiming is coming on leaps and bounds - we caught him trying to butterfly in Sri Lanka, so he's now moved up into the next class which is great. A trip to Cosmo for buffet chinese food and if the weather holds, it's time to try Santa's kayak on the River Yeo for the first time - very excited!!

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