Tuesday 12 February 2013

Day 219 by Sallycinn

7 miles on a Tuesday evening is not what I've been doing until I started my marathon training - bit of a shock to the system but enjoyed it.  Needed to do it though as it was on my plan but also because I ate a few too many choccies at work - well, if people will buy them!!  Also ran with a couple of pancakes in my tum as I did some pancake cooking for students at my school.  As it was straight from work, I had my rucksack which made it harder work.  All good fun.
Day 219 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details


  1. I am doing Edinburgh too Sally. flying up with Sue White from Bristol on the Friday eveing I think.

  2. Hi Nicky, great. I'm coming up on Friday afternoon around 2pm ish I think and back on Monday. Parents are joining me to cheer me on. Charles and Jack are doing it too so maybe we can have a get together at some point over the weekend.
