Tuesday 19 February 2013

Jack: Day 242/365...Whitelees Wind farm!

This morning I woke up bright and early to as Emma from work came to pick me up. We drove out to Whitelees Wind farm to join the rest of team 'Paisley Glamour' for our first training run together. Most of the guys were able to make it and so it was as a group of five that we headed out across the wind farm. I had never been out to this area before and it was a bit of an eye opener. I couldn't believe the size of the wind farm! Hundreds of turbines dominated the horizon everywhere I turned and towered above me as I stood below them. A very impressive landscape! This made the run a very interesting one as it gave me a completely new set of sights to take in. It was very different to my standard 6am loop along the busy road to Giffnock and back! It was a nice reminder that I am doing this challenge because, essentially, I love running. It is easy to forget that running can be a pleasure when your daily experience of it is forcing yourself out of bed in the cold and wet to run along a straight, boring road that you have run so many times you could do it with your eyes closed (although this is not a theory I will be putting to the test for health and safety reasons!).

And so I found myself working at a gentle pace for 8miles with good company and a nice view. The weather was absolutely perfect and there was even a suggestion that it was a bit warm at one point! A very enjoyable run and a good reminder of why I started the challenge - I am looking forward to more of the same!

242 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details

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