Friday 1 February 2013

Creating a link to a run

Hey Guys!
Its Tony again.
After a great start to the year with running everyday - I only managed to last two weeks this time and I had a huge case of CBA (couldn't be arsed!). I know this is not the most ideal thing you want to hear from the likes of me but I just found it terribly hard this month even with a lowered minimum distance of 3km. Not to do with it being tough physically - its just that I have a lot more on now with the gym.
However - I know that I need to start running each day due to WHW race this year so am planning to restart again from today the 1st of FEB!

Anyway - I know there are a few new people to the blog and I just want to clarify how we go about posting a link to the run on the blog. I have created a page at the top menu that you can go and have a look at the steps and let me know if you have any questions!!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back TC!!

    I have to admit that I'm really struggling this time around because the motivation just isn't there. I'm not the sort of person that ever gives up on a challenge but we'll see how things go as I get closer to doing the Edinburgh Marathon May or the 24hr run around Arthur's Seat in August (courtesy of Mark Cooper!!)
