Saturday 17 March 2012

Nicky: Day 143/365 Hills & Levels of Somerset

Must be mad but I went out & did 30 miles today. Step mother came on her bike as company. Circular route with plenty of hills & flat bits. Felt knackered the whole way around - think this is confirmed by the slow time. Had to do quite a bit of walking, especially up all the hills.
Legs twitching like hell now. Think I may have overdone it a bit as I have done around 70miles the last 7 days - I usually average around 30m p/wk.
Odd thing is I weigh the same despite all this excercise. I should be like a twiglet!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing Nicky. I think I would be in hospital if I tried to run 30 miles!
