Saturday 24 March 2012

Marg: Day 135/365 Challenge - thunderstorms and house dash

I should have gone for a run as soon as I got home as the predicted storm was late. Anyway I did not get it in and when the storm did come it was very severe and still had not passed by 11.00. I told Brad that I was going to go out anyway and he insisted that it was a very bad idea. Running in a thunderstorm is not a huge deal in Australia as we reason that that the chances of getting hit are slim but this is not the case in the midwest. For some reason the impact of a strike here is much wider than we get back home and the risk of being struck by lightening while out in a storm is very much higher. I decided not to risk it and so had to get creative since we no longer have the treadmill and the foot pod does not pick up the movement of my foot on the elliptical as running. So I put my foot pod on (GPS would not have been sensitive enough) and yes you guessed it ... I ran around the house inside for 2 miles. Millie had 4 friends over for a sleep over who mentioned this morning that they could hear running upstairs last night, so I had to fess up and tell them what I was doing. I am sure they thought I was completely insane.

Day 135/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details

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