Friday 9 March 2012

Benjour Days 61 &62 - balance bikes, Flax Loop and Boringstoke

Another late-ish run last night - kids settled after Beaver scouts exploring the local woods - was quite funny watching a beaver colony come scampering out the woods all wearing their headtorches jabbering excitedly - happy days!

in the orrifice today so dashed out around the loop. it's not a bad little run to be fair and it's all off-road which is great.
Wife on-call this weekend so have no idea when I'll be able to get out for my runs on Sat and Sun, but we'll see!
Noodle is really close to her first bike - fascinating to see the different development of the kids - Ollie first rode a bike just before his 3rd birthday - Neela is now over 4!  still, neither child used stabilisers - praise be for balance bikes!
Noodle - balance bike

Ben Day 61 - Garmin
Ben Day 62 - Garmin


  1. This balance bikes look like a great idea!

  2. :-) - balance bikes - a French idea apparently; they sure do work. Ollie rode a balance bike for a week and then then went straight to a bike, bypassing stabilisers/training wheels... coolest thing ever! Noodle taking a little longer to warm up to the idea of having to put effort in! we've got her new bike waiting for her in the loft as a surprise - maybe a week or two off hopefully!
