Thursday 8 March 2012

Day 116-120/365 Challenge - around Carmel, spring is coming. :)

Well I need to do a bit of catch-upwith blogging my runs: After a longer run the day before we did just a short one tonight out to Gray Rd and back. Felt good and happy with pace. Stretches and roll have been really helping my leg and butt pain! Day 116/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details Another cul de sec crawl tonight-good way to sticky beak around the neighborhood. I like checking out what trees and shrubs other people go for in their gardens etc. Things are just starting to bud here and there are some early daffodils out. Day 117/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details A variation on one of my runs in Smokey Ridge with a couple of loops to extend it a bit. It was a very mild night and the moon was pretty full and the sky was clear so I ran without my lamp. It was so nice to run in the moonlight. Carmel does not have many street lights so there were parts where it was just me and the moon making great shadows with some large weeping pines across the path. It was fantastic. Great to be alive. Day 118/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details I was exhausted tonight and really did not want to go out. I had fallen asleep after Buzz's band concert (which was excellent, I must say) then woken up and got into my gear and fell asleep again and theN woke again in a panic as I thought it was morning and I had missed my run, however this was not the case and I pushed myself out the door. Not too bad once I got going. Day 119/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details Brad came with me tonight and we ran in the daylight as the evenings are getting longer and I got home a bit earlier so that Millie could go and order her school's an American thing... Not really my cup of tea..Feeling pretty good again. Not quite pain free but almost completely off pain killers. Day 120/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details

1 comment:

  1. laughed long and hard about you falling asleep so many times!
    really pleased your backside is settling down too - can start to enjoy these things a bit more now!
