Thursday 22 March 2012

Charles: Day 138/365 - 1005.02km in 138 days :)

Tonight's run was in shorts and t-shirt and it felt great to finally get rid of the running tights, thermal tops, jackets and gloves. I also intended to just do 5k tonight but got a bit carried away and did 10k in 55 minutes and I wasn't even trying so all goes well for the Sports Relief 6 miles on Sunday. I just have to remember and just do the minimum 5k for the next 2 days.

As you know I keep track of my runs in an excel spreadsheet and tonight is that night that I broke through the magical 1000km mark. My distance to date is 1005.02km. I've never ran that distance in a year, never mind in just under 20 weeks. Mega well chuffed :)

The details of my run can be found at Day 138/365 challenge