Wednesday 14 March 2012

Benjours 65, 66 and 67 - who left the tap running?

Writing this whilst waiting to for Anusha to get home, before I go out for this evening's run. a bit pissed off today - plagued by tinnitus all day. Feels like someone has left a tap on right next to my head and all I can hear inside my head is running water - incredibly disorienting, hard to describe, not being able to get away from it - have got a doc's appt tomorrow lunchtime  - but this afternoon I threw the towel in and had to lie down with my eyes closed for hours -  felt a bit better when I woke up, but still Tinnitus is sat there in the background... grr!

Somehow (I can guess it's related to running!) I've tweaked my extensor retinaculum in my right foot (the little sheath your tendons run through on top of your foot).. which means every step running is now somewhat "uncomfortable". I think the sheath is just inflamed and so running every day isn't helping.. a small price to pay for such glory, now if I could just find a wrench so I can fix this plumbing problem in my skull.

1 comment:

  1. No good about the tinnitus or the foot!! hope you feel better soon
