Wednesday 14 March 2012

Charles: Day 130/365 - I can't shake the injury!

I'm still suffering from the old hip injury and must've aggravated it after last nights run so I only did the minimum 5k during lunch time at work. The run was painful but when I look at my times, I'm about 3 minutes quicker over the same route than I was a couple of weeks ago so my fitness and strength is improving but the fatigue is still setting in much earlier than it used to. Must be getting old!

The details of my run can be found at Day 130/365 challenge


  1. Did you ever get it diagnosed? Sounded like you had a tendon go when you said you heard it pop and then you had all that bruising. I know it sounds crazy but can you run around in a pool for a few weeks to take some weight of it while it heals?. Those injuries can take a few weeks to come good and you sound like you are in a lot of pain.

  2. Its a tear in the muscles where the glute muscle joins to the ITB muscle at the hip. It is healing and isn't as bad as is was. It's now more of an uncomfortable pain than a stinging sharp pain. The physio said to rest for 6 weeks but knows that I won't do that. The only treatment helps is massaging the sore bit and ultra sound on the injured area of the hip

  3. Well we are all thinking of you and hope it comes good soon!
