Monday 12 March 2012

Benjours 63 & 64 - balance no more, Jupiter and venus!

Hello bloggsters - having a well earned cup of tea for a few mins and thought I'd update my blog whilst I slurp.

Anusha on-call at the weekend (feel ike I've been saying that a lot recently!!) so was able to get out after 9pm on Saturday for a quick loop around the village. Not a huge amount to report other than nice to get out by myself for 25 mins after playing entertainer to the kids all day in wife's absence!

Sunday run after 9pm again - gutted to learn battery failed on watch shortly after starting run. I wasn't going to wait for watch to charge up again before running, I was tired and hungry, so I carried on the cycle path run - I must have left watch on before using it last night - I'm not starting again!

The really nice thing about last night is that Venus and Jupiter are approaching conjunction and Venus was so bright in a clear dark sky. It felt like someone was shining a little torch down on me. I turned off my head torch for a bit and just marvelled as I ran in the dark! At bed time Oliver was stunned about how bright they were, but how small they were knowing that they're supposed to be the massive planets he sees in his books. I think he's starting to get some sense of the vastness of space - I'm thinking I might buy a telespoke!

Highlight of the weekend though was Neela cycling for the first time. Very emotional. From her little wodden balance bike (no pedals) to a pedal bike without stabilisers in one-go. She was thrilled. Anusha cross she wasn't there to share in the moment. on Saturday she saw a friend out learning to cycle (just got going too) and she was keen to have her own bike so she could try too. We've had a bike in our loft for 4 years (a neighbour gave us one) - so on Sunday Ollie and I got it down and took her out on the cycle path and within a few minutes, she was off! :-) She was out this morning with Anusha before she left for work. I'll try and sort some pics.

We then spent the afternoon at Ollie's godmothers house, building obstacle courses with her young kids in their menage - the horses were quite amused I think!

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