Sunday 4 March 2012

Benjour Days 53-57 - light the pilot!

good news  - I've now got a copy of the route we used on the Scouts night hike, so will sort a way of uploading as proof.
Been a bit remiss this last five days not blogging. Wed and Thursdays were cycle path runs at night after Anusha got home - don't recall much really other than just head down crack on.

Here in London this weekend staying at in-laws place (excellent food!) Wife on a laproscopic "hand assisted" donor nephrectomy course on Friday so kids and I drove to in laws on Friday night and met Anusha there - got in about 9pm, trainers on and out into the suburban nightmare that is Orpington. Lots of kids goosing about, laughing at a pair of chicken legs wearing a head torch - I turned it up to max 600 candlepower and for some reason they stopped laughing...

Saturday was awesome - a trip to Natural History Museum and the personal highlight was the Scott Exhibition - stunned to see his actual polar diaries found next to his body. Sobering but awe inspiring; the noble courage and valour... Again, run through suburban hell sucking the life from me after we got back.

Sunday, Anusha is back in London at another course - Consultants Interview training course.. and of course, it's raining .... rattling around the house with the kids - they dashed off to church with Grandma and Grandad whilst dad grabbed a coffee and a read of the Sunday papers! (last time I did that??) highlight for Ollie was he was invited to share a reading at the pulpit with his Granddad! - Granddad very proud! Ollie had to stand on a step to see over the pulpit - would have liked to have seen that. Apparently members of the congregation were so touched by how well he read some had tears in their eyes!! :-)

Cold, wet, grey and miserable outside this afternoon - one of those afternoons where daughter falls asleep on sofa after a big lunch of string hoppers and curry, Ollie playing scrabble with Grandma and I'm thinking "to hell with going for a run in this".. just about to get comfy on the sofa and snooze with Noodle when the good old pilot light turns on...."you do know we ARE going for a run in this crappy weather don't you...."
followed by
"and the reason we're going for a run in this crappy weather is because everybody else would fall asleep on the sofa, rather than venture out in this..."

and that's all it took! Keep that pilot light burning folks!! it's in there somewhere and it's what separates this tough bunch from everyone else... just keep on going.

Will upload Garmin's when I get back to Bristol this evening.
Ben Day 53 - Garmin
Ben Day 54 - Garmin
Ben Day 55 - Garmin
Ben Day 56 - Garmin
Ben Day 57 - Garmin


  1. Yup! Alf thought I was mad as I headed off into the cold wet gloom that was Somerset earlier!!!! Feel better for it though. :D

  2. You should come to Scotland and I'll show you some crap weather :b lol

  3. do any of our intrepid ultra runners (ahem nicky and ben) want to do the hoka highland fling with charles and I?

  4. as a relay you mean or straight through?
