Sunday 24 November 2013

328/365 A steady Sunday run 5 miles by Big Kev

328/365 A steady Sunday run 5 miles by Big Kev

I listened to my body this morning and rather than rushing out the door to get out with one of the many Sunday morning groups, I took the opportunity to slow the pace down and go out when I was ready.

There was a downside to this though, everyone and their dog was already out on their Sunday adventure. Everywhere I went I was either on the edge of being mown down by mountain bikers throwing themselves down what ever decent they could find. Or there where parties of walkers and their dogs oblivious to the other trail users and intent (or so it seemed) on trying to trip me up.

In the end though, I was able to battle my way to the towpath and run alongside the river. The tide was in and there was a fine mist rolling over the surface. With not a breath of wind in the air the only ripples on the surface where being made by the ducks and gulls as the moved in and out of the river banks in search of shelter and food. The silence was beautiful and the towpath was surprisingly empty, so I was able to settle into a gentle rhythm as the miles just passed by.

When I reached the end of the towpath and turned up through Ham Green lake to home I spied a lonely fisherman on the bank who possibly couldn't of been wearing any more layers. I wonder if he regrets his decision to go out this morning, I hope not.

Once I ran through Ham Green past the cricket club and then the school I can see home and I know that its just a half a mile climb to the end. The time has flown by today and I feel the effort has been well managed, all in all a great run.

Big Kev

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