Monday 4 November 2013

308/365 Head torch required 5K by Big Kev

308/365 Head torch required 5K by Big Kev

Tonight's run was a late one and so the conditions required a few more layers than normal (brrrrrrr) and the route necessitated the introduction of a head torch (excellent).

One of the upsides of being so late when I set off, means that it did at least allow me to venture on to the back roads as I knew there would be little or as in this case no traffic at all.

There is something so peaceful about running on your own with a head torch on and no street lights or traffic to spoil the experience. The eerie shadows created by the torch as you bob and weave your way keep the heart pounding and the senses on alert. The sky was at least clear tonight, but that brings with it a fall in temperature and means its almost glove weather, boo.

The route from home is basically a steady 2.5K up and then 2.5K down, so I am able to just focus on one foot in front of the other on the way out and then relax on the way back down.

Its been a busy day and another benefit of going out late is that all that is left for the day is a shower, some eating, chatting and then blog and bed. So with all of the components complete including the blog bit, I suppose its time for bed.

Big Kev  

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