Sunday 3 November 2013

307/365 Out before the rain 6 miles by Big Kev

307/365 Out before the rain 6 miles by Big Kev

The days are now really flying past and today was no exception. Its hard to comprehend where the days, weeks and months have gone at times and especially so on this challenge. When I do get chance next year to sit down and review all of my blog entries, I might start to understand the enormity of what I have taken on, but for now it's all about today and then tomorrow.

Today was a slower start than normal and once again a big thank you to Tina for the cup of tea to wake up to. We sat an chatted for a bit and then both of our spidey senses made us check the weather for the day. The weather review was a well timed one, in that I had approximately one hour before the rain set in. Therefore its a very quick change and I am out the door. I opted for the downhill start today as I hadn't really warmed up. Warmed up, I had no chance of that as when I stepped out of the door, it was bitterly cold. Not 'Winter is coming' cold, just a cutting wind cold. I was very glad therefore of the respite given to me by the hedgerows and then the trees as I entered Ham Green and then down to the towpath. The wind was now with me and therefore it didn't chill the bones as much.

I was looking for a steady plod around but the condition and impending rain moved me along nicely. With the towpath section done and the turn just after heart attack hill and under the railway arch upon me, I was once again happy to be in the woods. After the long climb to the top of Paradise Bottom, I made my way back towards Leigh Court Mansion and then onto the driveway to home. It really is a wonderful 6 miles in any weather, but it was particularly nice today as when I rang the door bell at home the rain had just started to fall, result.

It will be 8 weeks to go on Tuesday and I will keep you all up to date with the final run for the end of the year. So from here on in, could I ask that you all share the blogs/facebook page and lets see if we can start the fund raising efforts again, as before we all now it we will be at New Years Eve.

Bring it on.

Big Kev

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