Wednesday 14 August 2013

Nicky: Day 365 of 365 Yeovilton 5k race YAY YAY YAY!!!!!

Untitled by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details

Well it has been a long 365 days. First time around I made it to day 296 but due to a bad prawn ended up in hospital with difficulty breathing, swollen face & hives & missed one day of the challenge. I duly started from day 1 again, so here I am after running 661 days (-1 a year ago) and have completed the challenge. I have loved it apart from the cold wet night runs. In the year I have done a total of 1425 miles. Not sure whether I will continue, but lets see what tomorrow brings. Initially I wanted to run a fully calender year, but now that I have finished - I will decide tomorrow morning.
Good luck to all those who are still in it.


  1. A long overdue congratulations!!

    My heart went out to you when you missed that fateful day last year. It took great courage to start back at day 1 but here you are finally completing the 365. You have been a huge inspiration to us all.

  2. Brilliant work Nicky and considering the hiccup it makes it even more amazing, if anyone deserves some time off then its surely you.x

    Just think what the next challenge could bring????

    Big Kev
