Monday 22 April 2013

Pete Day 295 - London Marathon by Pljrun

Well here we are another London and out to beat my best time, tried to go for a 3:30. A nice clear day (may be hot, don't like running in the heat) so I went for it. Started well and had a good start, kept with the 3:30 pace group till 16 miles, then the heat got to me. Suffered cramp at 17, 19, 22 and 24 miles which I had to stop for and gave me a bad few miles (time wise) slightly recovered between these but as I turned the corner at the Mall I could see the clock and wham both legs cramped up. I had to stop and watch the clock tick over, could not move an inch, some kind lady came over and offered to help me over the line, but NO I was going to make it. After what seemed an eternity I finally, stiff legged, got moving again and managed to run over the line in 3:52:13. Slightly dissapointed, but what the heck there is always next time (if I get in again!!) Must say what a fantastic atmosphere, the silence before was impeccable, the crowds where immense, it seemed bigger than normal and the noise was incredible. Whether it was the Mo effect, the olympic effect, the good weather or sticking two fingers to the terrorists it was a great day and one I will certainly remember.
Pete Day 295 - London Marathon by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details

Anyone wishing to help my awareness campaign/donations please logon here or shre on facebook, thanks

1 comment:

  1. Great run Pete - I was there but didn't see you. I know a few people who suffered from the heat. Great atmosphere though. :)
