Saturday 21 July 2012

Nicky: Day 268 & 269 Upton Loops

Nicky: Day 268 Upton Loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details

Not much too say. Popped out for a quick (slow) 2miler. Legs heavy & I am struggling with sciatica again on my left side. Settled after a mile or so, so should be ok for longish run on Sunday.

Nicky: Day 269 Upton & woods by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details

Doesnt look like I have my Frome Half Mara place (I was reserve list) so I will run with the club tomorrow morning. They are planning an 18miler but I shall probably stop when they reach my house & collect the car later! Legs still took a mile or so to settle on this trot & sciatic pain is a bit ouch!! Second mile was fine but it is a bit muggy - not complaining though as no rain for a few days now. Has summer arrived? I hope so!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just realized that you are now in the less than 100 days to go, countdown!! Congratulations Nicky!
