Friday 20 July 2012

Day 12 by Sallycinn

 since starting this challenge I feel possessed with a new kind of determination and motivation.  Of course I didn't feel like running as soon as I woke up but I didn't snooze and up I got and went out for my run.  When you have to do it there's no point procrastinating as you either do it now or later - there's no way you can get out of it.  Already this has changed my attitude towards other parts of my life! :)

Day 12 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details


  1. I think your comments illustrate what this challenge is all about and you are really meeting the challenge head on! Day 12 is a crucial stage in any new programme and now I've found the Blog I'm with you all the way.

  2. Hi Sally. I found the early days of the challenge tough! Legs just were not used to it. However, it gets easier & becomes part of your daily routine like brushing your teeth. Even when the weather is lousy, I dont really think too much about getting my shoes on & heading out!!! Have me lead legged days, but take those easy ie. walk/run. Other times feel like I can run in the Olympics (am I allowed to use that word?!!!

    1. Hi Nicky, thanks. So far it hasn't been too bad, mainly because my minimum is low. It feels like part of my routine already and I like that. Before the challenge i would find an excuse not to go out but now they don't come into it as I know I'm going out even for a mile. And yeah, don't think anyone is allowed to say the 'O' word without paying copyright costs!! :) Hope your sciatica goes soon.
