Monday, 7 January 2013

Kate - Day 7 - The first time my housemate agreed to run with me!!

Back to school for me today! 6am is not a pretty time of the day in the winter!! I considered a morning run, to get it out the way for the day, but figured the early alarm would be shock enough to the system!! So, I put in an evening "recovery" mile (after a "longer" run yesterday), accompanied by my housemate, who has refused every offer of company on a run prior to this day!! Once again, to be efficient, I twinned my run with a trip to the shop. They must be getting used to me walking through the door, catching my breath, and looking a little worse for wear.  I felt just a little closer to the runner I was about 6 weeks ago today, so it appears the slow and steady approach is paying off.  A trip to the chiropractor is scheduled for tomorrow, which has been long-needed, to sort out the biomechanical problems caused by playing Hockey!! Anyway, that's a week done!! I have vowed to celebrate the little milestones, and achievements, as trivial as they may seem!!  I hope everyone's Monday was kind to them!?
Untitled by Frankenbubs at Garmin Connect - Details

1 comment:

  1. I see that you see a chiropractor and I am wondering what he/she helps you with? Is it running issues or is it general spine health. Are you adjusted by hand or is there a tool that the doctor uses? I practice just outside of Little Rock Arkansas. I am actually on my day 7 also but I did not use a GPS the first 2 days so....
    Anyways - I hope that your doc fixes ya up!

