Saturday 27 October 2012

Jack: Day 128/365...A jolly jog!

After school today I went straight to a friends house who I worked with whilst on my student placement at a school last year. Over the course of the evening I got loads of great advice, plenty of useful of resources and a little bit drunk. As I stumbled into my flat I remembered that I still needed to go and complete my 5k for the day and so threw on my running gear and realised that my Garmin wasn't charged! Another chance for my mobile app to shine. I went out and did the same route that I have done dozens of times now out towards Giffnock and back but I added in an extra little trip to Morrisons as I was desperate for some sort of junk food. Finally with a pizza in my bag I made my way home feeling absolutely rotten! I will be sure not to leave my run until late in the day if there is ever the possibility of wine happening beforehand! I had a few issues with the mobile app this time round as it seemed to get a bit trigger happy with the kilometre splits. It is a route which I have done many times and I know to be about 5.5km however I was told that I was running at a pace of 55km/hour! This meant that it recorded my distance as just over 9km. I don't think I will be using the app again as I don't want to risk not making the 5km target due to inaccurate measu128rements. Fortunately I know the route well and it has tracked it on Google maps so it can be measured accurately through that.


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