Thursday, 28 March 2013

86/365 A very late but fast 5K by Big Kev

86/365 A very late but fast 5K by Big Kev

With deadlines not budging something had to give, so today's run was squeezed in at almost the end of the day. With things still to do I didn't hang around especially as the last mile is uphill! I am pleased with any sub 21 min 5K so considering the build up to it I am very happy.

I have made a note to self, that I must make sure I run earlier rather than later in the day, as running late brings its own stresses are are not to be repeated.

I think I saw the sun through the snow showers today, but I may have been mistaken.

Big Kev


  1. I used to do what I called a midnight shuffle where I did a late 5k just before midnight and the next days 5k just after midnight. If you time things right it gives you 40+ hours of recovery before your next run. A few of the other 365ers adopted this strategy from time to time :)

  2. Nice, I like it. The lateness on this run was just down to poor planning on my part though!

    Thanks for the tip, I might save it for a nice summers evening though!


