Friday 28 December 2012

Tony - t-minus 3 days to my next run365challenge!

I'm back - I have to be honest - the last two months of my last challenge was so difficult psychologically for me - I struggled to have the desire to go outside - this was due to the fact I had just got the keys to my warehouse and everyday was spent building my new gym.
In retrospect, I believe that the run365challenge helped me so much to be fit last year and probably helped me to he results in some of the races I took part in - namely WHWR and my PB for the great Scottish half marathon.
It is for that reason that I am going to come back into the fold and start my next year of running from january 1st 2013! First of all I need to update the blog with my last couple of months of runs and then dust off the cobwebs from my garmin! I hope it still works.
There are a few other people who will be starting with me on the 1st - some old and some new!
I hope that the guys who are currently running their year are doing well and are in need of some new blood coming in to keep you guys going!
Will see you all in the new year!


  1. Woohoo TC great to hear that your doing it all over again :)

    I was planning on starting back on the 5th January but just be persuaded to start of the 1st instead. Just need to decide on a minimum distance

  2. think i might be doing the 5km again. think it really helped with my training.

  3. there will be a few other folk who will be writing up their profile questions - so when i get them i will fire them over to you if you can stick them up on the blog?

  4. No probs send the details over.

  5. yay! thought you had deserted us forever Tony!! Charles - whoop whoop you are starting up again!!
    I have a mate - Danny De Le Ray who is starting on 1st Jan too. Tony - think he may have been in touch to get ready to go.
    Getting to day 280ish & starting all over was really tough so I am glad to have lots of encouragement in 2013. The bloggers really do keep one going. :)

  6. welcome back and congrats for finishing the first challenge and good luck for the next one! I'm nearly half way and can't quite believe I'm doing it! It's an amazing thing to do and I've gained so much from doing it. Look forward to reading the blogs. :)

  7. Hope you are all well enough to start on the first ! There is nothing like a hangover run to get life into perspective and kill or cure. Welcome back and good luck.

  8. thanks guys! the end of 2012 proved to be very busy for me with a lot of changes. things have settled down though and i am looking forward to a great 2013!

  9. Good to hear you're back Tony! If you are looking for a running partner at any point I could be keen to have some company! I have just signed up for the Edinburgh Marathon again and so will be out racking up the miles on a few long runs. Hope the gym is going well!
