Sunday 30 December 2012

Pete Day 183 - HALF WAY 9 mile run in the wind rain and sun!! by Pljrun

Well here we are at half way, if you had told me six months ago I would run at least three miles every day, still manage to run reasonable marathons and enjoy nearly every moment I would have laughed at you. However after hearing Nicky talking about the challenge I decided to give it a go (another Nicky convert and thankyou). To be honest the best decision I have ever made, it's been an eye opener, has improved my running without doubt and to coin a phrase from a movie it's now TO 365 AND BEYOND.

Hope everyone has a good new year !!

Pete Day 183 - 9 mile run in the wind rain and sun!! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details


  1. Congratulations Pete!
    Welcome to the half way club! the second half is all down hill :)

  2. congrats Pete. goes quickly doesn't it?! :)
