Sunday, 12 August 2012

Charles: Day 280 & 281/365 - 1,200 miles later

I have now ran more than 1,200 miles during this challenge and my next goal is to reach 1,500 miles before I get to day 365. If I just do my minimum distance of 5k each day then I'll just be shy of the target at 1460 miles so I'll have to try that wee bit harder if my legs will let me. These 2 runs were really tough with dead legs and my right hip is really sore. I think its just the old injury I got early on during the challenge trying to slow me up but no chance of that happening :)

The details of day 280 can be found at Day 280/365 challenge
The details of day 281 can be found at Day 281/365 challenge

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