Sunday 24 June 2012

Benjours 161 -166 Tha'ar be Goblin's in them there woods and NO to Everest!

DAy 161 and 162 - LARG Double header by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 163 - LA Foray by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 164 - Cyclepath by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
DAy 165 - CYcle path by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Ben Day 166 - Goblin Combe by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details

Wife on-call last Tuesday and absolutely no chance for me to run - I left the house early for a meeting in London and when I got home had to head straight to school to collect kids - wife didn't come home until small hours so I joined the local running group for a double run the next day in pennance... runs separated by 15 min pootling about whilst all the second group joined us.

Gryll's book getting quite good at the moment - making the cycle path quite forgetful which is perfect! - he's just scaled Everest, and I've decided that I WON'T be climbing Everest!

My company has set up a corporate social responsibility initiative with FareShare in the UK, and after I spent the day on Thursay working alongside them in their Bristol depot I discovered that their Ops Manager in Brissle also runs - over near a place called Goblin Combe about 20 mins from me... am hoping to get a run in with him one evening this week.. he also seemed interested in run365 and took the blog details... watch this space!

Goblin Combe makes for a cracking run.. steep sided wooded valley - run through the valley floor and then up onto the cliff tops for great views.. following a new-to-me path called Warren Walk and sure enough saw lots of flopsies! - sadly no Goblins to speak of.

Goblin Combe

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